Tuesday, December 1, 2015

English/Russian Language Joke

An English-compared-to-Russian-language sort of joke... as found on the Internet. Which purports to show how dumb the English language is compared to Russian.

The phrase given in Russian is Зеленая зелень зеленит зеленую зелень which conveys a real (if silly) meaning using the same word base modified by inflections, and the phrase is then "translated" into English which has no inflections, or endings, and therefore is unable to build a similar meaningful phrase: Green green green green green.

 I tried it in Google Translate and it failed, in fact, it appears Google Translate is where the translation is taken from.

However the correct translation would probably be something like: (The) green greenery greens (some) green greenery, so the English language is capable of the same, it is just that Google Translate can quite do it yet.


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