Monday, August 15, 2016

Adding Youtube Channel to Google+ Profile

Figured out today how to add an existing earlier Youtube channel to your Google+ profile.

So lest I forget again, here is a description of the process. 

Given: you have (or anybody has) a Google+ profile which goes with its own youtube channel. However, you also happen to have, say, one other Youtube channel from the time past maybe even before Google+ accessible via a different email address. So  how can you add it to your Google+ Profile so you can manage it along with your Google+ Profile account?

Answer: you can do it through a Google+ page. The earlier Youtube account has a corresponding Google+ page not connected to any Google+ profile.

Here's how you do it:

(1) Sign into your earlier Youtube account (the one you want to add to your Google+ Profile) using the corresponding e-mail address (which of course by definition is different from your Google+ Profile email). Click on the avatar icon in the top right corner, then click the email address, this should take you to the Google+ page associated with that email.

(2) On that page find and click Manage tab and then click invite managers. When prompted enter email of your Google+ Profile. Job done!

(3) What happens next, you get an email message saying you are invited to manage the page, click as prompted several times to say "Yes", and you will become manager of that page and the corresponding Youtube account. 

And each time you log into Youtube you will now have a choice of two youtube personalities your Google Profile linked account and the other Youtube account now linked to Google+ page (and having its name) under your Google+ profile.

I think it should be possible to add several Youtube channels to a Google+ Profile in the same manner but I have only added one so far.